This is an entertaining video from The Urban Farming Guys who are doing their best to make urban farming exciting. There is no shortage of talent and resource in most urban areas, but there is a serious shortage of fresh foods. This is a giant problem in America today. This food shortage would only be compounded by a serious disaster. The effort of urban farming could stem the tide of a serious food shortage in these areas.
This video is all about getting your hands on compostable materials. There is a section about food scraps and how to utilize them. There is also a section on procuring woodchips. These materials are all very important to a large-scale compost pile, and that should be your goal as well. There is even a section about procuring and managing manure from local farmers. This high-nitrogen resource will give your garden the growing power that it needs to be a success.
These guys do their best to add a little comic relief to the idea of composting, and to be honest, it’s very entertaining. I think you will garner some useful information from this video and have a fun time watching it.