6 Skills To Take You From Novice To Advanced Prepper
Go beyond learning basic first aid and what to put in your bug-out bag and take control of your survival with these advanced skills.
Go beyond learning basic first aid and what to put in your bug-out bag and take control of your survival with these advanced skills.
It’s important to be prepared for home invasions. But to do that, you need a good firearm. Here are the 5 best guns for home defense.
Although the right vehicle isn’t a guarantee that you will survive or escape every emergency, it can give you better odds in the worst case scenario.
Bugging out in an urban locale presents its own set of unique survival considerations. Here are the top five urban survival considerations.
We shouldn’t care what other people think, but it’s hard not to get angry when people call you crazy for prepping. You’re gonna need a few good comebacks.
The point of this article is to give you a few ideas on personal hygiene in post-SHTF situations, although some of these tips can be applied right now.
You may think life after the SHTF will be exciting, but the grim reality is that you will have some very long, very boring days and nights.
Canning is an efficient method of home food preservation. Jars are easy to store and, provided they don’t freeze, the food stays good for a long time time.
You might think you can bug out pretty fast, but if you did a trial run and timed yourself, you might be surprised at how long it takes.
Preppers should determine how they will stay connected after the SHTF. The following 3 devices will help people communicate through the apocalypse.