Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Although we all know on an intellectual level that we shouldn’t care what other people think, it’s still hard not to get angry when people call you crazy for prepping. Unless you’re willing to be silent, turn your back and walk away, you’re gonna need a few good comebacks…
Comeback #1: Avoid the subject
If this is the first time Joe calls you crazy, it’s best to avoid him assertively (calm, confident, etc.). No reason to fight a war that doesn’t bring you any benefits. Besides, if you were to start arguing right away, you’d be seen as insecure.
This way, when you openly try to change the subject, he’ll be the one with a problem. And when that happens, you can go ahead and use any of the comebacks below…
Comeback #2: “Americans die in accidents every single day…”
“I’m talking car crashes, electric shocks, drowning, even bike accidents. Not to mention tornadoes, hurricanes and flash floods that take their toll each and every year…”
Justification. This is all about showing them the myriad of everyday SHTF events that affect us. Tell them that prepping for most of these is common sense and that having a first-aid kit (as part of an everyday carry kit) might save one’s life.
Here’s a full list of these mini-SHTF events: firearm assaults, rapes, riots, getting hit by lightning, getting stung by a bee, house fire and even falling down (this is actually a big problem for seniors).
Comeback #3: “I spend a lot of time camping.”
Who can argue with that? Although camping and prepping are not the same thing, they do have a few things in common, especially from the perspective of a non-prepper.
The funny thing is, even if you’re a hardcore prepper and you have, say, a gun with you at all times, saying you’re camping shows you’re just messing around and don’t feel the need to explain yourself.
For example, if you have a rifle and you tell Joe that you use it to shoot ducks from the wooden outpost you built yourself in your backyard, you’ll be surprised how quickly he’ll leave you alone.
Comeback #4: “If something did happen, you probably wouldn’t make it.”
This not only scares him but also appeals to his ego of not being able to defend himself, making him look and feel weak. After all, this is not about bug out bags and guns, it’s about Joe being able to keep himself safe.
Start focusing on that in order to make it less about you looking crazy for prepping and more about what could happen.
Comeback #5: “I really don’t see you as the type of person who can defend his/her family.”
We’re touching a sensitive topic here by poking his ego a little bit. But hey, he started it, right? No parent wants to believe he can’t defend his children. And yet, most of them have never been in a situation like this.
If you get them thinking about what might happen to them, there’s a chance they’ll realize they’re clueless about protecting their loved ones.
Comeback #6: “A house is being broken into every 15 seconds in the U.S. Of course I prepare.”
Stats always work. 50,000 Americans die in car accidents every year. 68% of sexual assaults are never reported to the police. 52% of police officers say it’s not unusual to turn a blind eye when one of their colleagues has an improper conduct. And on and on…
Even better: if you know or remember someone dying of an unnatural cause, use that to describe in detail what happened and how anyone can be a victim.
If you don’t know such cases, you can always Google them. Your local news websites surely have lots of death and drama in their archives.
How can you convince others to prep?
Defending yourself against criticism is one thing but, in my view, the best defense is offense. Instead of always having to justify why you’re prepping, why not try to convince others to join you? Some of your biggest critics could turn into lifelong friends and preppers – you just never know.
Now, to get them to make that first step, you gotta start small. Don’t talk to them about zombies and the apocalypse. Mention everyday disasters and accidents such as car crashes, blackouts, storms, and armed assaults. Ask them what they would do in situations like these and proceed to tell them the right way to prepare.
Don’t tell them they need a 1 year food stockpile that needs to be rotated periodically. Convince them to have an everyday carry kit because it’s the easiest and most convenient to put together.
Start small and give them all these details that make sense. When you think about it, prepping is 90% common sense and only 10% has to do with stuff that’s hard to believe.
And when Joe finally makes that first step to prepare, go ahead and ask him: Who’s crazy now? 🙂