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    Top 10 Books on Survival

    Top 10 Books on Survival

    Update: Since I first wrote this post, many other great books have been released such as Surviving Doomsday, The Art of Eating Through The Zombie Apocalypse, and these urban survival books. So although I no longer consider the list below to be my top 10 books on survival, I still think they’re all very good. I haven’t read every book on survival (there are too many to keep up!), but I’ve read a lot. I went through my book shelf and tried to decide what I think are the best well-rounded survival books. After about an hour, I narrowed it … Read More

    Survival Food for the Poor

    Survival Food for the Poor

    I write a lot about survival food and supplies, but I’m also aware that most people are on a tight budget these days. Many of us are out of work and even most people who have jobs are struggling to make ends meet. All I can suggest is that people make a few sacrifices so they can get at least a one-month supply of food and water. It’s worth it. Look at it this way, if your financial problems get worse, at least you won’t have to worry about groceries for a month. I usually suggest people buy more of … Read More

    How to Haggle After the SHTF

    How to Haggle After the SHTF

    In first world countries, the prices in grocery and department stores are pretty much set in stone. You can’t convince the cashier to give you a better price. My wife and I visit the flea market on occasion, but even there the vendors don’t usually like to haggle. With most of them the price is what it is, take it or leave it. This will change quickly after a major economic disaster. Buyers will be strapped for cash and vendors will be more desperate to sell, so people will have to compromise on prices at flea markets and swap meets. … Read More

    Unusual Survival Gear

    Unusual Survival Gear

    On most nights I read in bed for a while before going to sleep. My wife usually falls asleep first so to be considerate, I turn off the lamp and use a book light. It occurred to me that I’ll be using this book light a lot if the power goes out. Then I thought, “If the power goes out, we only have one book light. What if someone else wants to read, too?” I decided to stock up on several book lights. Then I started brainstorming for other unusual survival gear that most people might not have thought of. … Read More

    How to Shop for a Two-Way Radio

    Midland Radios

    If there is a disaster in your area, there’s likely to be a breakdown in communication systems. Land-line phones could be down and cell phone towers might be jammed. If you and your family are at home and have decided to bug in, this might not seem like a problem. But what if your spouse is at work when the shtf, say in an office building on the other side of town? Or what if one of you needs to go out for supplies such as firewood and water? In such cases, you need to have a way to communicate … Read More

    The Easiest Way to Purify Water

    Boiled Water

    Once you and your family are in a safe location, your first priority in any disaster is water. You might be able to go a couple weeks without food, but you’ll only survive a few days without water. You can start storing water, but the problem with that is it’s going to take up more space than most of us have. A month’s supply for a typical family would be 150 gallons! If you do have the room, by all means, start now! Check out my post, Water Storage – Where to Begin? But those of us who live in … Read More

    Getting In Shape For The End Of The World As We Know It

    Getting In Shape For The End Of The World As We Know It

    Health and fitness is not something most people consider when preparing for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it), but they should. People tend to take for granted just how easy we have it in the modern world. Up until the last century, most people throughout history worked from sunup to sundown in fields and gardens just so they could get enough food to do it again the next day. Nowadays, except for those living in third world countries, food isn’t much of a concern for most people. In fact, most people are more worried about eating … Read More

    10 Medicinal Herbs In Your Backyard

    10 Medicinal Herbs In Your Backyard

    If you look, you could find medicine in your backyard. Practice identifying them now because there may come a time when you need them. #urbansurvivalsite #medicinalherbs #herbalmedicine #herbs #naturalremedies