VP Prepping & Survival made a great video with 5 lessons people can learn from The Walking Dead. Some preppers complain that this show is unrealistic (of course it is, it's a TV show about zombies!), but I don't really care whether it's realistic. It's meant to be entertaining, not educational. And it has inspired many people to start preparing for a disaster, so for that it should be praised.
The first 4 lessons he mentions are great, but I only partially agree with number 5. Yes, if there's an end-of-the-world type disaster, you'll be safer in the country than in the city. But some of us aren't able to move away from the city just yet, and all the most likely disasters can be ridden out in the city anyway.
If the apocalypse does happen, then as long as we stay alert and have a good bug out plan, we should be able to escape in time. What do you think? You can view the video below.