There are certain items that can be incredibly useful in a survival scenario, yet they don't usually make it onto people's survival shopping lists. A great example is aluminum foil. It can be used to grow plants, catch fish, start a fire, cook food, collect rainwater, signal for help, and many other things.
It makes you wonder: What are some other useful prepping items I've overlooked? No matter how long you've been a prepper, there are bound to be at least a couple of them. That is the topic of this video by Rogue Preparedness. In it, she talks about 12 items she believes are very underrated in the prepper community.
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Here is her list:
- Silcock Key
- Sewing Kit
- Cooking Oil
- Socks and Shoes
- Security Items
- Freezer Bags
- Knowledge
- Notepad and Pen
- Hygiene Items
- Entertainment Items
- Extra Glasses
- Sunscreen & Bug Spray
Watch the video below to hear her discuss these items and why she thinks they're so important.