The One Year Urban Survival Plan – Monthly Checklists

The One Year Urban Survival Plan - Monthly Checklists

Month 1

Food and Water

  • Make a list of recipes you could cook during a long-term disaster (check out the appendix for a list of recipes that use shelf-stable ingredients; try to find recipes that have about 800 calories per serving).
  • Think about whether you're going to purchase canned, powdered, dehydrated, or freeze-dried versions of dairy, meat, fruits, and veggies, or whether you want to learn how to preserve them yourself.
  • Think about what you could have for breakfast and lunch. Make a list of foods you like that don't require any cooking.
  • Get some long-lasting candy and/or snacks.
  • Get enough multivitamins and fiber supplements to last three months.

Skills and Supplies

  • Look for ways to lower your bills.
  • Learn how and where to find good deals.
  • Remember to “buy once, cry once.”
  • Study the list of multipurpose items.
  • Gather any multipurpose items that could be useful to you.
  • Look for ways to repurpose or upcycle things you own.
  • If you plan to learn about sewing, gather sewing supplies.
  • Practice some basic sewing projects.
  • Gather supplies for staying cool in the summer.
  • Practice living without AC for a day.
  • Decide how you'll heat your home during a winter power outage.
  • Gather supplies for staying warm in the winter.
  • Practice living without your heater for a day.
  • Set aside $40 cash. (You'll do this every month, and by the end of the year you'll have nearly $500.)

Month 2

Food and Water

  • Decide what type of containers you want to use for storing water.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Work on making your home unappealing to burglars.
  • Reinforce your front and backdoor.
  • Secure your windows and sliding glass doors.
  • Consider getting a good security system.
  • Consider getting a dog if you don't have one.
  • Protect and hide your most valuable items.
  • Research and consider getting a firearm.
  • If you get a firearm, take a shooting class.
  • Consider getting non-lethal weapons.
  • Practice OPSEC when prepping.
  • Practice gray man tactics in public.
  • Practice situational awareness in public.
  • Consider taking a self-defense class.
  • Get a paper map and keep it in your vehicle.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 3

Food and Water

  • Look for good deals on food you need to get.
  • Consider joining a warehouse club like Costco or Sam's Club.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Research off-grid communication tools.
  • Talk to your friends and family about how you'll communicate in a disaster.
  • Choose your preferred communication tool and learn to use it.
  • Consider a backup method of communication.
  • Develop a communication plan with your friends and family.
  • Get a map and compass and learn to use them.
  • Gather any other navigation tools you may need.
  • Learn to find North and South using natural methods.
  • Familiarize yourself with your town and its roads.
  • Plan multiple routes out of town, and mark them on your map.
  • Put together an everyday carry kit. Keep it with you.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 4

Food and Water

  • Get some food storage containers like Mylar bags or vacuum-sealer bags.
  • Get some food storage equipment like a vacuum sealer or FoodSaver.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Purchase or put together a comprehensive first aid kit.
  • Stock up on eye and dental care supplies.
  • Stock up on over-the-counter medications.
  • Stock up on any prescription medications you take.
  • Stock up on antibiotics if possible.
  • Consider getting some potassium iodide.
  • Start taking care of your personal health.
  • Start taking better care of your teeth.
  • Start learning and practicing first aid skills.
  • Consider taking a first aid course.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 5

Food and Water

  • Decide how you're going to cook outdoors during a power outage.
  • Decide how you're going to cook indoors during a power outage.
  • Get the tools and equipment you need for each method.
  • Practice cooking indoors and/or outdoors.
  • Learn how to properly care for cast iron.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Gather two or more fire-starting tools.
  • Gather tinder and kindling so you'll have it when you need it.
  • Choose two or more types of fires and practice building them.
  • Study and memorize fire maintenance tips and safety guidelines.
  • Practice cooking over a fire on a weekly basis.
  • Stop throwing away clothes and start buy more durable clothes.
  • Take stock of your wardrobe and gather any survival clothing you still need.
  • Be sure you have adequate clothing for both summer and winter.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 6

Food and Water

  • Decide how you're going to organize and rotate your food.
  • Purchase any necessary shelves and racks to organize your food.
  • Create an inventory with a spreadsheet (optional).
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Gather any necessary tools for your home.
  • Gather any repair supplies you may need.
  • Be sure to get safety equipment as well.
  • Prepare your home for disaster.
  • Reinforce your doors and windows.
  • Learn and practice temporary home repairs.
  • Inspect your home to be sure it's safe.
  • Make sure your home doesn't have any fire hazards.
  • Create and practice a fire escape plan with your family.
  • Get a fire extinguisher and learn to use it.
  • Get a fireproof safe and put valuables and important documents inside.
  • Make sure you have renter's insurance, homeowners insurance, and life insurance.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

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Month 7

Food and Water

  • Decide where you're going to hide your food.
  • Create a grid or system to show you where your food is.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Create a lights out box.
  • Get at least two methods for lighting your home.
  • Practice living without power for a few hours.
  • Stock up on extra batteries and store them properly.
  • Learn how to charge your phone with a 9V battery.
  • Consider getting a portable generator.
  • If you get a generator, practice using it.
  • Create an auto repair kit.
  • Learn and practice maintaining your vehicle.
  • Stock up on fuel and store it properly.
  • Remember to keep your gas tank at least half full.
  • Consider getting a “bug out vehicle.”
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 8

Food and Water

  • Decide how you're going to collect and transport water.
  • Choose at least 2 ways to purify water and familiarize yourself with them.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Stock up on personal hygiene items.
  • Learn about toilet paper alternatives in case you run out.
  • Consider planting some plants that can be used as soap.
  • Practice keeping clean without running water.
  • Practice doing laundry without running water.
  • Practice doing laundry without power.
  • Stock up on household sanitation items.
  • Consider creating a greywater system.
  • Practice minimizing the amount of garbage you produce.
  • Decide what you're going to do with garbage.
  • Prepare for the possibility of sewage backup.
  • Practice using the bathroom without running water.
  • Decide what you're going to do with human waste.
  • Stock up on pest control supplies.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 9

Food and Water

  • Practice canning or dehydrating food (or both).
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Gather tools you may need for scavenging.
  • Explore your city for places that could be scavenged.
  • Learn to scavenge safely.
  • Gather barter items you may need someday.
  • Practice haggling at yard sales, flea markets, etc.
  • Explore your city for places you could shelter for the night.
  • Learn to build a shelter using a tarp.
  • Learn to build a shelter using natural materials.
  • Learn and practice the most important knots.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 10

Food and Water

  • Experiment with sprouting seeds.
  • Learn about growing food indoors and outdoors.
  • Research and decide which gardening methods and plants are best for you.
  • Start at least one herb and one vegetable, and practice taking care of them.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Gather any gardening tools you will need.
  • Gather any gardening supplies you will need.
  • Practice starting seeds.
  • Practice your chosen gardening method.
  • Learn how to maintain a garden.
  • Learn how to prevent pests and disease.
  • Learn how to harvest your crops.
  • Learn about composting.
  • Start a compost pile.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 11

Food and Water

  • Find out what wild edibles grow in your area; learn to identify them.
  • Find out what small animals or fish live in your area; learn how to catch them.
  • Practice cooking some wild edibles and/or small game or fish.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Practice relying on your 72-hour kit for one weekend.
  • Find out what wild edibles are available in your area.
  • Practice finding and identifying local wild edibles.
  • Memorize the universal edibility test.
  • Practice cooking with wild edibles.
  • find out what local animals are available in your area.
  • Practice fishing and hunting small game (where allowed).
  • Learn about famine foods and how to prepare them for consumption.
  • Learn about the various types of natural remedies.
  • Gather any natural medicine tools and supplies you need.
  • Learn about healing herbs and decide which ones to grow.
  • Plant some healing herbs and take care of them.
  • Stock up on healing foods like oats and honey.
  • Learn how to treat common ailments using natural remedies.
  • Set aside $40 cash.

Month 12

Food and Water

  • Check your water, rotate it.
  • Check your food, rotate it.
  • Reread everything in the Food and Water section in Months 1-11.
  • Dig deeper into any topics that interest you.
  • Practice everything you've learned about food/water storage and survival cooking.
  • Buy some books on food & water storage, off-grid cooking, gardening, etc.
  • Store at least 2 days of water.
  • Try new some off-grid recipes.
  • Choose one recipe and get enough ingredients to make it 8 times.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of breakfasts.
  • Stockpile 8 days worth of lunches.

Skills and Supplies

  • Rotate perishable items in your bug out bag.
  • Do a bug out drill.
  • Practice relying on your bug out bag.
  • Review your food and water, make sure you have what you need.
  • Go back and practice any skills you missed.
  • Review your tools and supplies, make sure you have what you need.
  • Assess your skills, identify areas you need to work on. ‘
  • Work on your social skills (join groups, meet your neighbors, etc).
  • Work on your mental health (be realistic, escape your addictions, etc).
  • Work on your mental resilience (practice meditation, Stoicism, etc).
  • Set aside $40 cash.

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