8 Survival Hacks Using Safety Pins
One item that probably doesn’t come to mind when preparing for a disaster is the lowly safety pin. It turns out, there are many safety pin survival hacks.
One item that probably doesn’t come to mind when preparing for a disaster is the lowly safety pin. It turns out, there are many safety pin survival hacks.
Q-tips can be found in almost every single household. So if you’re a prepper, you may as well learn how to use them in a survival scenario.
From collecting rainwater to making a shelter, there’s no end to the number of things you can do with plastic sheeting. Here are 13 survival uses for it.
Before you throw your old wire hangers away, you should know there are several ways you can make use of them in a survival scenario.
Mylar blankets are small, durable, weigh only a few ounces, retain 90% of your body heat, and have dozens of survival uses in an emergency.
Tarps come in many sizes and varying qualities, but all of them can be very useful in a survival situation. Here are 25 survival uses for tarps.
There are countless ways to use metal coffee cans on your homestead or for survival. You just have to be creative. Here are 21 ideas.
Plastic bottles can be used as a scoop, to make a bowl, make a spoon, make a funnel, to collect edibles, to start seeds, and more.
Although most people only use Ziploc bags for storing food, there are at least a dozen other ways to use them in a survival scenario.
Every time you go to the store, you’re offered free survival supplies. I’m talking about plastic bags. They could save your life, or at least help you out.