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    DIY Space Heater That Really Works (No Electricity)

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    DIY Space Heater That Really Works (No Electricity)

    Why buy a space heater from the store when you can build your own? At the very least, knowing how to build your own DIY space heater will help you to become more self-sufficient without having to be connected to the electrical grid.

    Believe it or not, it’s possible to build your own DIY space heater in less than half an hour and then produce heat for many more hours on end. In this video, DesertSun02 explains how to do it…

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    First, you need to build a short brick pyramid. You will need thirteen bricks in total. Place four bricks on the ground in a square shape to serve as the foundation, with the corners of the bricks in contact with one another.

    Take four more bricks, and create another square shape, only set them over the foundation to create an octagon shape. The inside of the bricks should be hollowed. Place three more bricks in a square shape in the same position as the foundation, but with the absence of a fourth brick in the square, this will create an opening to view into the pyramid. Place two more bricks over the top of the structure to serve as the ceiling.

    Now place your fuel into the pyramid. Take small tin cans filled up with 70% isopropyl alcohol and place them inside the pyramid shape. Light up the alcohol in the cans with a match, and they will light up instantly.

    A good rule is to fill the cans about a third of the way, and they should burn for around twenty to thirty minutes. Within those twenty to thirty minutes, the bricks should become very hot then radiate heat throughout the entire room. Take note that you can also use this heater as a stove by placing a pan over the roof of the pyramid.

    If these instructions were confusing, be sure to watch the video by DesertSun02 below to see how it's done.

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