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    23 Survival Experts Share Their Knife Of Choice

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    23 Survival Experts Share Their Knife Of Choice

    Knife Planet recently asked 23 preppers what knife they would want with them during a disaster if they could only choose one. Since I happen to be one of those preppers, I thought I'd share their infographic.

    I chose the M.A.K.-1 (Multiple Access Knife) because unlike most knives, it was specifically designed for firefighters, EMTs, and rescue workers. That's why it has a pry-bar tip you can use to pry open doors and windows, and a carbide tip butt breaker you can use to smash windows. These features make it a very useful knife to have in the city, just in case you get trapped in building or need to break into a vehicle. The blade is about 5 inches long and it has a full tang, and there's even a notch on the handle you can use as a wrench.

    The infographic is below. If you want to learn details about any of the other knifes, just click on it to visit Knife Planet and scroll down the page past the infographic.

    23 Survival Experts Share Their Knife Of Choice

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